Blog Intro

Blog Intro

Quote of the Week

Tip your server Return your shopping cart Pick up a piece of trash Hold the door for the person behind you Let someone into your lane Small acts can have a ripple effect That's how we change the world..... - Unknown

Fact of the Week

Fact of the Week: Who Was the First Female Actor? Margaret Hughes may have been the first professional actress in England. The occasion of her first performance was on 8 December 1660, in a production of Shakespeare's play Othello, when she played the role of Desdemona in a production by Thomas Killigrew's new King's Company at their Vere Street theatre.

Joke of the Week

Joke of the Week When I get my tax return, I cooking my ramen noodles in Fiji water!!!

Comic of the Week

Comic of the Week

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Terry's Scary Wound!

Back in June of 2022, Terry's bursa sack burst. This has happened before, and he usually gets an antibiotic and everything is all good. This time, it was a newer doctor and I don't think he realized how bad this can be and didn't prescribe a strong enough antibiotic burst OUTWARD like a blister. Well, that is all fine and dandy, but it wouldn't heal, and Terry had a little hole in his leg. Finally in September, he went in and it was determined that he needed surgery to clean it out. (Turns out he is REALLY lucky because our best friend Brett had a sore on his elbow that wouldn't heal, and it ended up killing him. That is a different post). A few weeks after the surgery, it started swelling up again. The infection had returned. He had to have surgery AGAIN, and this time a wound vac was added. 
This is right after the second surgery...
It became a presence, so we named it Kwato from the movie Total Recall...
This is what it looked like at the first dressing change. It was brutal because the surgeon STUFFED the sponge WAY down in, and it was really hard to get out. Yes, you can see his tibia.....

Here it is a couple of weeks later. It is starting to grow tissue..

This was around mid January when Kwato finally came off. It is amazing to me that the body knew when to make new capillaries and when to make the skin. SO cool!
Even better! 
This picture was taken at work, and the neon light makes it look bad again!

This is how it looked on the day that the wound care service discharged him.
This was SO scary, especially because Brett died of complications that arose from a scratch on his elbow that didn't heal. 

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