If you have never seen the museum at Thanksgiving Point, you really should make a plan to go there. It is pretty cool. What is even better is riding a bus down with a bunch of energetic 2nd graders! I loved it though. Imagine the chipmunks singing the same set of five songs on a 45 minute bus ride. Then, when we arrived, the bus started vibrating to the ear splitting chant of DINOSAURS....DINOSAURS......DINOSAURS! Got to love their energy! I had a great group that REALLY worked it for my camera! Here is group Morley with Kolten looking up, Topher saluting, Kaden doing the hurrah, and Asia doing the sexy!!!
Here is the dinosaur that you see when you walk in. Love the faces these guys are making!
This is the digging room. You get to see real people working on dinosaur bones. This is the spine of a dinosaur.
Here is the big leg bone of a dinosaur. Kolten is a little camera shy, I couldn't get him to get in any of the pics!
I thought this prehistorice underwater scene was pretty cool.
Freaky water dinosaur!
There were cool scenes on arches above us. This was one of them.
They had a lot of "hands on" exhibits for the kids. Here is Topher going into the tunnel.....
and coming out on the other side. Love the drama for the camera!
More dinosaurs up high.
Real fish!
Okay, this is a picture of a Supersaurus. It is SO big, it takes FOUR pictures to get the WHOLE thing!

Pretty cool, huh! Here is a picture of a "smaller" one. Makes you see how insignifigant you are!
They had a water table filled with sand. It helped show erosion, how soil changes over time, and changes because of wind. As you can imagine, it was quite messy. Glad they are the ones that have to clean it up!
Hands on also means "whole body on" in this pic!
I thought this water dinosaur was pretty cool. Imagine seeing that coming up on you while you're waterskiing!
This one too. This would feed the whole camp for a week!
How 'bout this Megashark? Oh yeah!
Moving on to the Mammoths...
Wow, this photo is full of ironic imagery, eh?
Then came the fun part....digging!
In this photo, there is so much dust in the air, you can actually see it reflecting off of the flash...hack hack.
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