Wow, another year of extraordinary food, great company, and lots to be thankful for! We started out at Terry's parents house for our first gluttonfest. Here is Peama with Bren, Tim and Topher.

Here are our happy newlyweds. It is so good to see them so happy!!!

Here is our film student extraordinaire Kody!!!

Here is Jeremy.

Here is Kasey, Paydon and Logan.

We had an unexpected visitor show up for the party. This poor pigeon must have been freezing. He flew into the garage and wouldn't leave. Can you blame him????

It took quite a while for Terry and Steve to get him to leave, but he finally did. We tried to feed him some bread, but he wouldn't take it.

Need to get a picture of me after stuffing myself!!!!

Tim, always as sunny and chipper as ever!!!

Topher, always the ham.

After that it was off to my mom's house for a second huge dinner! Here is Xander with a yummy homemade role! He is wearing my "wetter". At least that is what he called it last year. I called it that this year and he told me "NO its a SWEATER!"

Here is sweet Kennedy!

Here is Brendon holding Raylor. He was so cute with him. When Raylor would cry, he would get up and walk him. He never chickened out and gave him back to Natalie. He is going to make such a good dad!!!

Here is Ryan and Trey. Poor Trey is like Tim. He has a mom that takes WAY to many pictures and is so sick of the camera! Good thing Rachelle married a man that is as photogenic as Coop is because I have the feeling he has a LIFETIME of this!!!

Here is Jason. I got a lot of genuine smiles on this day! Gotta love turkey!!!

Here are Rachelle and I being silly!

Caught her laughing!
Didn't get as many as I wanted, but there is always Christmas! I am so thankful to have the wonderful family that I do! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!!
Tune: The Thanksgiving Song - Adam Sandler