Camping 2012! What a year! I was a MAJOR slacker and didn't take a lot of pictures, buuuuuuuuuut. We bought a new trailer!!! Here is the storage along the front of the trailer.
Here is the outdoor bar. We have had a BLAST with this feature!
Bathroom access from OUTSIDE. LOVE this idea.
This is the reason we bought it. The kids have their own room now, the Dutchman Den.
Check out the accomodations!
This is the roomy kitchen...
Dinette... We can fit 6 adults COMFORTABLY around this thing. This rig is HUGE!
Here is the couch. It turns into quite a nice bed. We can sleep 10-12 now!
Master Bedroom Suite....
Outside views....
Yeah, don't worry.... It cost a LOT more than that......
We went to the Dunes a couple times first. These next pictures are from Memorial Day Weekend at Utah Lake. I wish I had more! We had to spend some time indoors during that trip and we ended up playing cards and a game called Shit Head. Here is Shane modeling the game....
and Terry......

For this year's theme we decided to do White Trash Night. Cuisine included Chili Dogs and a good blend of "White Trash" food. Here are Andrea, Shane, me, Terry, Keesha, Aaron, Dave and Lisa.
Next up, Diamond Fork Canyon. We hadn't been here in a LONG time. So good to be back! Here are Topher and I at the river.
Dusty posing so pretty.
Terry and Tim
So Zane and Tim decided to get Terry with a bucket of water. I love that Keesha captured the moment so perfectly!
I love the look on Tim's face...
Topher in the river. It was COLD!
Tim and Dusty. Preston is to the left. What a cutie!
Here are the kids swimming it up!
Zane and Zoe.
Tim and Topher in "the hole". The river was quite deep there.
Terry and Topher
This trip was great fun. We were joined by the Brannons, the Brentels, the Christensens and Perry and Kathy. A couple weeks later we returned with the Brentels and the Turners. Definitely love that place. We ended the year at the Dunes again of course. Thank you all of my great friends for making this camping season one of the best ever! Now I just need to get out more with our families!