Tune: The Funny Bunny Hop - Meredythe
Blog Intro

Quote of the Week
An ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband. -Booth Tarkington
Fact of the Week
Fact of the Week:
How long do astronauts stay in quarantine?
Apollo 11, 12, and 14
Astronauts from these missions were quarantined for 21 days after returning from the moon, beginning when the lunar lander's hatch closed on July 21, 1969. The quarantine was a precaution in case the astronauts had been exposed to dangerous lunar microorganisms.
Joke of the Week
Joke of the Week
What do you call a well-balanced horse?
Comic of the Week
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What a full Easter we had this year! It all began with a little visitor from somewhere in the neighborhood. The reincarnation of my little Ebony came padding up our driveway. Since our dogs get out ALL OF THE TIME, we thought we would pay it forward and take care of this little one until we could find out who she belonged to. Tim really fell hard for her and he took these pics of himself and Topher.
She had a rabies tag, so we called the vet on it and found out her name is Olive. Kind of appropriate, don't you think? She belongs to our new neighbors across the street who weren't home, so she colored eggs that night with the rest of the "family".
We found an egg coloring kit that makes it so you can tip the bowl, the color goes into the top container, but the egg comes out in your hand, so no spillage. It was pretty cool.
This is Tim's possessed photo. Or zombie photo, take your pic.
Okay, those who watch Saturday Night Live and the character Stefan, will appreciate this egg. If you don't know, ask me and I will tell you. Booooooooof!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gizmo thinks he is being punished because we won't let him eat the dye.
Here is a close up of Olive. Isn't she cute!
I love how the dogs act like they haven't been fed in YEARS.
I was SO lazy that day. I didn't even get out of my jammies. It was awesome! Tim and I.
Toph and I (with a cameo from Tim)
Terry and I
Fast forward to the next morning. The Easter Bunny hid the baskets PRETTY well!

Topher found his!
Tim finally found his!
Bunny brought candy AND money. Yeeeessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brendon doesn't like chocolate. I didn't realize how much Easter was centered around chocolate until the Easter Bunny tried to fill his basket. Not so much. Better for him anyway I guess. He was okay with it.
Here is Topher and Terry kickin' it after a long morning of eating candy and eggs.
Later, Boston and Allee came over. Alex is on tour, so I am glad they still came!
Check out that loot! Boston calls me Mimi and Terry Papa. I think it is hilarious! He pretends he's all macho about it, but he picked out EVERY SINGLE TOY for Boston's basket. Boston SO has Terry wrapped around his finger. It is really cute!
Scary how quick they learn what money is.
Later we joined the Erickson clan for an Easter egg hunt and a WONDERFUL dinner. Thanks Neil and Donielle!
Tim and Kambrie
Corbin and Brendon hid the eggs. I thought this hiding place was pretty funny!
Monday, April 18, 2011
2nd Camping Trip of the Year 2011 - Little Sahara
Okay, Dunes trip, take two. As most of you know, our Dunes trip was cut short a couple of weeks ago by fabulous Utah weather. I'm a native. Get used to it. Anyway, we decided to see if we could try the three day weekend one more time. Mother Nature was kind. Maybe a little too kind. Here are Brady and Bryce digging the infamous holes.
Many thanks to Liz (on the left) who was my photographer this weekend. Did I mention I left my kids home this weekend? My human kids AND my dog kids. I didn't do a DAMN thing all weekend, including not touching my camera. Good thing Liz was on it! She is here in this cute pose with her besty Ashley.
Liz and Ashley FREAKIN' loved riding the machines. It was funny to watch. I am glad they had a good time. We've created monsters!!! Here is Liz going for a ride with Terry. Yes, we gave her last rites!!!
As always, it is hard to be a dog. Baer got out of the sun, but it was funny that he had his head right under Lisa's chair. We tried to get her to fart, but she wouldn't do it.
Ok, what kind of a trip would it be if we didn't include the "grab Jay's boob" shot. Can't ever get away from that one. I am beginning to know how Dolly Parton feels. They are my trademark.
Here is a shot of how hard we worked all weekend. You wouldn't know it, but those chairs are HARD to keep down. Quite a bit of work involved here! Kids, of course had a great time with their toys!!!
Imitation is the best form of flattery. Future speed demon!!! Or Dunes demon. Take your pic!
Gentry and Nana (LouAnn) kickin' it. Lou's chair needed TWO people to hold it down. It was a wild one!!! Sampson was ready in case it got away!
Once again, that gorgeous mountain!
Bryceman with his Yisa!
Papa C! Not sure if he is saying "We're number one!" or displaying love to the people behind him!
Mascot flags!
Andrea getting her drink on!!!!
This chair was REALLY hard to hold down. We needed THREE people! Check it out....Aubrey, a Chicken McNugget, and Bryce!!! (Yes, dear readers, the Sunscreen Nazi got fried. My bad!)
Da girls!!!
Yeah, now the pics get into the campfire/cocktail time. As you can tell, the beer was flowing like wine!
Skip to Saturday. One can always count on being able to play Rockband at Dave and Lisa's. I don't think Josh came out all weekend. In fact, I don't think we have ANY pics of him, but I promise, Shane and Andrea brought him!
Bryce taking Gentry out on a date! A Dunes date!!!!
She loves it!!!!
Ashley and Dave. Not sure what the thumb's down means?????
Tyson and Gentry having a good time!!!
Big sister helping little brother. They had a blast!
Big T having a good time!
Look! Liz with a Chicken McNugget!!!!!
Okay, so we started a little early and were pretty tipsy when it was fire time. Sherlock Morley.
Ashley and Tyson. He looks a little like a Chicken McNugget too!
Fire time after the kiddies were in bed!
Cute pic of Shane and Lisa, but it looks like someone behind them has "a little Captain" in them. ?????
Good thing I can project the sweet and innocent persona because it is SO NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!
Terry and Liz havin' a snuggle!
Dave being flanked by the hawties. He is REALLY having a good time, I swear!!
This time was an ABSOLUTE blast! These weekends make up for the sand blasts of some other weekends. I am happy to report I got my campfire ALL THREE NIGHTS! No sandblasts, a tender sunburn (but I lived) and tons of fun memories to cherish! Love you guys!!!

Tune: Nothing But a Good Time - Poison
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