Topher got his face painted
Blog Intro

Quote of the Week
An ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband. -Booth Tarkington
Fact of the Week
Fact of the Week:
How long do astronauts stay in quarantine?
Apollo 11, 12, and 14
Astronauts from these missions were quarantined for 21 days after returning from the moon, beginning when the lunar lander's hatch closed on July 21, 1969. The quarantine was a precaution in case the astronauts had been exposed to dangerous lunar microorganisms.
Joke of the Week
Joke of the Week
What do you call a well-balanced horse?
Comic of the Week
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Trunk or Treat 2009
Okay, I need to start this post with pumpkin carving night. Topher and I carved pumpkins Sunday night. Tim was in a trance playing Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games, so he was not available. Nothing short of massive power failure could drag him away. Anyway, here is Topher with his pumpkin.
Here is an action shot!
Okay, so our church does an annual Trunk or Treat night. You set up in the parking lot and pass out candy from your trunk. We have always decorated the minivan and played scary music from the radio. Alas, we sold our minivan this year and we were not going to have a cool car to decorate! (oh the horror! dun dun dun!!!!!
Here is Topher as Megaman. I am so glad he has gotten a lot of use out of this costume. This will be his third year. I actually had to go buy him new sweats to attach everything to! Tim is reprising his role as Silver the Hedgehog. I didn't have to make new costumes this year, yay!!!!
Alex, Allee and Boston joined us. Here are the three stooges. Boston is a monkey. I forgot to get a new pic when he closed his eyes. Crazy night!
Well, this year, because it was so cold, we decided to move trunk or treat indoors. We got to decorate a door instead. This was good for us since we didn't have a cool car to decorate anymore (applause!!!). Here is our door. I hired local artists for the occasion. Here are some of the other doors. I didn't get a lot of time to plan, next year, we are going to go all out!

Topher got his face painted
And............... he entered his jack-o-lantern in the pumpkin carving contest..... and won!!! He received a super duper cool pumpkin carving kit. Whoo hoo!!!!
It is always fun to go trunk or treating, but it is TIRING! At least the boys are older, so they can take care of themselves. I hope Boston had a fun time. I didn't really get to see him do any games because I was passing out candy at my door. Hopefully Allee will send me some pics and I will post them.
Topher got his face painted
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Achieving the impossible
Monday, October 19, 2009
Birthday Blitz!
Well, the Colemere Family wrapped up its birthday parties for the rest of the year so we can concentrate on celebrating the holidays! (I know, any excuse to party!). This bash represents September, October, November and December birthdays. Missed you Jason, Courtney, Maddie and Kennedy!
Here is the cute cake Natty made! By the way, here is her business blog
Here are my grand puppies! I am glad these guys bring their dogs with them like I take mine with me! Front left is Tiger (my dad and Sue's dog), then Rev (Rachelle and Ryan's dog), and in the back is Maximus (my mom's dog) They thought they were being tortured because we made them stay outside!
Here is Ryan playing sports with Trey and Xander.
Rachelle and Becca. Happy big 3----0 Rachelle! I mean Shella! :) (She is gonna hurt me for that one. Nice blur on the camera, Jaylene!) Becca is also turning 14. Where does the time go????
Becca, Kenyon and Topher.
My two men, Terry and Tim, who don't like their picture taken!
Ryan is so quiet, but he is so cute with the kids. He lets them play with all of the sports stuff.
I got Bren to smile, and pose!
I think this is a good pic of my mom.
This is a good pic of my dad and Sue. I am so proud of everyone, they get along really well!
Terry was making everyone laugh with one of his stories. He had gone to the grocery store, put the bags in the back of his truck, then proceeded to the car wash. He obviously wasn't thinking. Bags went flying everywhere when we went through the dryer! I caught everyone laughing. Ryan was just a little too quick!
Grandma Betty.
Grandpa Clyde
Here is Peyton enjoying some soda. The kids weren't all sugared up or anything! I missed getting a pic of myself and one of Dexter. Also missing is Alex because the rockstar is on an uber tour and won't be home until December!!! Next time!!! Thanks to Rachelle and Ryan for hosting. It was fun!
p.s. as some of you may have noticed, I usually match the music to the post. This Linken Park song doesn't have anything in particular to do with this post, we just listened to them all the way to Wellsville and all the way back!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Day out at the Witches 2009
My family started a tradition a couple of years ago. It started with just the girls, but it has grown to include everyone now. We go see the Witches at Gardner Village. All of the shops set up their witches and they are so cute.
This was the Witchy-poo!
Here is the bakery's witch
Tim and Toph posing.
This is a witch coming in for a landing.
This witch is guiding her.
Here are my funny faced boys.
Cool haunted house.
This pic was so cute. My nephew Xander had been asleep in the stroller for a while and he finally woke up. Natalie was taking his picture here. He woke up in such a good mood, but he had been all warm and cozy in the stroller. So in this picture, he is shivering and his eyes haven't adjusted to the bright light, but he is still smiling!
Toph and his strawberry milk that we waited in line for 15 minutes to get (note: don't go on a Saturday, it was a MADHOUSE!!!!)
Once again, Tim upset that I am taking so many pictures!
Bribe them with strawberry milk!!!
I think this is a cute pic. I'll have to show it to them everytime they start fighting to remind them that they really do like each other! Once again, most of the pics are at Topher's direction, I am just the photographer!
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