Blog Intro

Quote of the Week
An ideal wife is any woman who has an ideal husband. -Booth Tarkington
Fact of the Week
Fact of the Week:
How long do astronauts stay in quarantine?
Apollo 11, 12, and 14
Astronauts from these missions were quarantined for 21 days after returning from the moon, beginning when the lunar lander's hatch closed on July 21, 1969. The quarantine was a precaution in case the astronauts had been exposed to dangerous lunar microorganisms.
Joke of the Week
Joke of the Week
What do you call a well-balanced horse?
Comic of the Week
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tim on the move!
So Tim wants to ride the scooter and being the over protective mom that I am I immediately said no. Terry was a little more sympathetic so I said that he was going to make the trip to the ER, not me. It all turned out well, though. Here he is.

He even knows the nice "west side" sign. I don't know where he gets that from. Anyway, now I can't keep him off of it! He ran out a whole tank of gas yesterday. I hope Terry realizes he created a monster!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My purty house
I don't mean to show off, but I have been working on this in my limited time for two years. I wish I had some before pictures because there is a big difference!
Here is my early morning sanctuary. Thanks to Bret and Gina for the internet!
This is the other side. I would like to add some water type stuff sometime in the future. Got to have the sound ambiance, right!
Here is my front door. I love the leaves. You can't really see my gnome figurines playing games, but they are on both sides of the door.

Here is what it looks like all at once. I really didn't choose sunflowers, they kind of chose me. It just ran from there. Hope you like it!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I haven't posted anything about Brendon on my blog. He is so quiet that sometimes he gets passed over. I just wanted to show everyone how goodlooking he is. He is a great helper too. He always does what I ask him to. He is very responsible about being home and to school on time. He can draw very well too, but he won't give me any art work. I'll steal some when he isn't looking. I love you, Bren!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Chelsea Grin

So Alex is in a band, and they are actually doing quite well. For those of you that know Alex and haven't seen him for a while, this may surprise you. They have a CD, band accessories for sale, and quite a fan base. If someone had told me that was my son "screaming" on that album, I would have said they were crazy, that isn't my son! They are on tour right now, but unfortunately when I went to their MySpace page to see the latest, they said the tour was cancelled. I don't know why, I'll have to keep you posted. I wanted to put their album poster on this site, but it looks like they took it off. Bummer, it is really cool. Here is a link to their MySpace page if anyone wants to take a look (I know some of you have already).
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I hate final exams! Why do professors feel they must torment you by making you endure a final exam! This stupid test brought my grade from an A to a B. I shouldn't complain because that is still a good grade, but an A would have been better! If you can do the work, who cares if you can't "regurgitate" useless facts! What a bunch of hoops to jump through! Sometimes I wonder why someone who has been doing a certain job all of their life (and does it well I might add) must be paid less than someone who has "been to school" for the same job, yet knows nothing about how it works in the real world. Don't get me wrong, I am learning a lot, but I know that when I am done, I really won't have any clue as to how to apply it to the "real" world. It scares me. It also scares me that I am doing this while staring 40 in the face, while everyone else about to enter the work force right after school is about half my age. I think real world experience should count for a lot more than it does. I guess this is just another way to say, I am afraid to grow up!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
My little artist
Tim has become quite the artist. He has been drawing this well for a couple of years now (he is only 8). Here is a small sampling of his work. I didn't add any Sonic picutures (I probably should since he has so many), but these are what his teachers in his art class instructed him to draw. I like the last portrait. I don't know many adults that can draw this well!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Toph's first day of school
Fairies II
Had a visit from the insomnia fairy again last night. He and I are becoming good friends. I feel special and all, but I really wish he would find someone else to play with!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wow, for those of you who are thinking of putting college off for a while, DON'T! Or you'll be like me, a 37 year old senior! Really, just kidding! I am happy to report I have just finished Financial Accounting II. I am not tooting my own horn, I am simply stating that I will be easier to get along with for the next two weeks because I get a break!
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